November 24, 2014


November started to approach and the belly continued to grow. To our surprise Paige's body didn't swell up as much as we though it would. Instead she seemed to be mimicking the Indonesia Ibu with only a "dodge ball" belly. She was so beautiful and healthy, still teaching Zumba at the local gym until 6 months.

Paige flew alone to Texas early September after we celebrated 5 years of marriage! This was difficult as we were apart until I arrive just before Paige's bday (Halloween) and expected date of our new baby! We decided not to know the sex and due to Indonesia simple check ups we really knew very little other than shape of our baby, able to use the sonogram every month during or checkups.

Paige says she loved pregnancy, which of course means she will want a few more.

On Nov 7th, 2014 at 9:53 Paige delivered naturally our beautiful blessing. A girl, Penni Doa Gable!
Paige again proved how amazingly strong she is mentally and physically and even surprised the nurses with her determination.

PENNI - Javanese for well presented and organized in Beauty
DOA - Indonesian for Pray

I am now back in SEA until Christmas, when Paige, Penni and I will return to Semarang, Central Java.

We thank all for your support and concern. God is Great

1 comment:

anime terbaik said...

wah makasih banyak informasinya sangat membantu saya kebetulan sedang mencarinya
anime romance terbaik